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Assessment & Grading



Students are assigned theory study and a minimum number of practical experiences. Theory is evaluated after each chapter of study. Practical assignments are evaluated as completed. Practical skills are evaluated according to the text or taught procedures and performance standards established by the state licensing agency and set forth in the practical skills evaluation criteria. Students must maintain a cumulative grade average at a minimum of 76% (C grade average) in order to be considered for making SAP and pass a final written and practical exam to graduate. Students must make up failed or missed tests and incomplete assignments.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Regarding Academic Performance

Qualitative factors determine academic performance using grades, and/or work projects completed, and/or comparable factors measured against the norm. The following factors are measured to determine academic progress in all ZORGANICS INSTITUTE approved programs:

       ● Written Test Grades

       ● Assigned Project Grades

       ● WorkBook assignment 

       ● Practical Assessment

       ● Professionalism Assigned work will be evaluated and graded according to the following scale:

               ● 76 and above -Satisfactory

               ● 75 % and below-Unsatisfactory

SAP regarding Academic Performance

SAP Monitoring Periods

Quantitatively, students are evaluated on attendance. A student must maintain an attendance rate no lower than 76%to be considered making SAP. In the case a negative SAP finding is due to absences because of mitigating circumstances such as death of a family member, illness, or injury, a student may appeal ZORGANICS INSTITUTE’s decision. If the student prevails upon appeal, the student is placed on probation and the student is considered to be making SAP.


Evaluation and Determination of Satisfactory Academic Progress:

One or two Satisfactory Academic Progress Evaluation Reports are given during the student's respective program. Satisfactory Academic Progress Reports include the student's cumulative grade average and rate of attendance. The first evaluation will occur no later than midpoint of the respective programs' scheduled hours. The second might occur at 3/4 point of the scheduled hours. It is not necessary to do a SAP at the completion of the program. All evaluations will be completed within seven (7) institute business days following the evaluation point. Students who meet minimum requirements are considered to be making Satisfactory Academic Progress until the next scheduled evaluation. Copies of evaluations are provided to the student if they are not making the SAP and will also remain on file. Satisfactory Academic Progress is monitored at the end of each student’s evaluation period, based on the hours the student has attempted, as outlined below: Course incompletes, repetitions, and Non-credit remedial courses, has no effect on the Zorganics Institute SAP standards and policy. For transfer students, SAP evaluation periods are based on scheduled, contracted hours.

SAP Monitoring Periods

SAP Outcomes

If a student achieves SAP in both the Qualitative and Quantitative averages, then that student is considered passing until the next scheduled evaluation. If a student does not achieve SAP in either the Qualitative and Quantitative average, the student is considered to have failed SAP until the next scheduled evaluation. SAP evaluation results are delivered to students during the SAP evaluation period by the School Director or Assistant Director. The student will be notified of any evaluation that could impact eligibility for federal aid. Copies are kept in the student’s financial aid file and are available to the student by request. Zorganics Institute 2021-2022 Student Catalog 50 Establishes the total length measured in clock hours or competencies and corresponding academic year for each course or program offered by Zorganics Institute.

SAP Outcomes
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A student who achieves satisfactory academic progress may remain eligible for Title IV financial aid for that evaluation period.



A student who does not achieve the minimum standards is no longer eligible for Title IV, HEA program funds, if applicable, unless the student is on warning or has prevailed upon appeal of the determination that has resulted in the status of probation.


Failing SAP, First Time:

A student who fails SAP for the first time may be put on warning status. Students who receive this status will continue on this status until their next SAP evaluation period. The student may remain eligible for Title IV financial aid.


A student may re-establish Satisfactory Academic Progress by achieving 76% grade point average and an 76% attendance average by the next evaluation period. The Institute Director or Assistant Director will work with students to determine what action must be taken to achieve these goals. Options may include attending school on unscheduled days to attain additional hours or having additional tutoring or test-skill assistance.


Failing SAP, Second or Third Time:

Should a student fail SAP for an additional time.



Students who do not meet the minimum Satisfactory Academic Progress standards during an official evaluation period shall be placed on warning. During the warning period, a student is considered to be making satisfactory academic progress and will continue to be eligible for financial options if applicable. The student will be advised in writing that they are in warning along with the actions that are required to obtain Satisfactory Academic Progress by the next evaluation period. If at any time of the next official evaluation period (end of warning period), the student has still not met both the academic and attendance requirements, he or she may be placed on probation or may be deemed ineligible to receive funding.



      a) Students not making SAP at the point of withdrawal may apply for re-enrollment at ZORGANICS INSTITUTE and if accepted Students re-entering the institute will re-enter the same progress status as when they left.

      b) The institute evaluates the student’s progress and determines that the student did not make satisfactory progress during the warning or previous evaluation period; and

      c) The student prevails upon appeal of a negative progress determination prior to being placed on probation; and

      d) The institution determines that satisfactory academic progress standards can be met by the end of the subsequent evaluation period.


This institution evaluates the student’s progress and determines that the student did not make satisfactory academic progress during the warning or previous evaluation period and the student prevails upon appeal of a negative progress determination prior to being placed on probation. This institution develops an academic plan for the student that, if followed, will ensure that the student is able to meet the institution’s satisfactory academic progress requirements by a specific point within the maximum time frame established for the individual student. Students who fail to meet the minimum Satisfactory Academic Progress after a warning period, may be placed on probation and considered to be making satisfactory academic progress during the probation period, providing the student appeals the decision and the appeal is successful.


Test Grades

The theory test is graded at 95% and the homework grade at 5%, combined and a student can achieve 100% on a test. Any theory test may be taken up to three times if the test is not passed on the first attempt. The highest grade that may be recorded on additional attempts on a test is 76% (passing), even if a higher percentage is earned. If a student does not pass a test by the third attempt, then the highest non-passing grade may be the grade entered. If a student passes a theory test on the first attempt, a higher grade may not be entered unless the chapter is re-taught in theory class at a later date prior to that student’s graduation. Some theory chapters may be taught more than once during a student’s education depending on the length of the program. Should that happen, the student should still participate in theory class and take any related test. Should the student pass the test on both times that the chapter is taught, the higher of the two grades will be recorded. Should the student pass the test the first time but fail the second time the chapter is taught, the original grade may be omitted and a passing grade of 76 will be recorded. Additional attempts to improve the score may not be permitted.

Test Grades

Makeup Tests

Test be may be made up within 30 calendar days if a student has an unscheduled absence at the time a test is given. The highest grade that may be recorded on a makeup test is 76% (passing), even if a higher percentage is earned. If the test is not taken within 30 days of the original test date, the student may receive a “0” for that test. Exceptions may be made for students who were on an approved leave of absence when a test was offered. Tests may not be taken in advance of a leave of absence or scheduled absence. In the event a student fails the school’s final examination, portions of the examination failed may be retaken after a required 7-day waiting period. A reexamination fee of $30.00 for each written or practical exam retake will be charged.


Students who wants to record a higher grade achieved on a makeup test, they may do so for up to two tests if they meet the following criteria:

    -attendance percentage above 92%

    -theory grade average above 87%

    -practical grade score above 92%


Once all criteria have been met, the student will need to submit to the Institute Director or Instructor a high-quality, typed, 250 (minimum) word essay describing how the topic of the missed chapter will relate to them in the Salon/Spa/ Med Spa/ Barber Shop.

Makeup Tests


Review questions or other assignments will be worth 5% of any test grade and are due on the day the original test is given.


Midterm and Final Exam

Prior to taking the midterm exam, all theory subject tests offered to that point should be completed. All chapter tests must be completed before the final exam may be taken. A student who does not attend their scheduled midterm and final exam date, a $30.00 fee will be charged.

Midterm and Final Exam

Transition from Phase 1 to Phase 2

Students are required to complete a practical and written exam in order to transition from Phase 1 to Phase 2 and perform services on members of the public. If a student is unable to pass these exams, he or she may be required to complete additional training or return to Phase 1. Should a student be unable to pass the Phase 1 exams after completing Phase 1 a second time, that student may be recommended for termination. Prior to taking the Phase 1 written exam, all theory subject tests offered to that point should be completed.

Transition from Phase 1 to Phase 2

Requirement Sheets

Requirement sheets must be filled out and signed by an instructor each day. Once requirements are entered into the computer, they may not be changed. If requirements sheets are not filled out or signed, any requirements completed that day may not be counted or entered into the system. This may result in additional required time in order for the student to complete all requirements.

Requirement Sheets

Completion of Assignments

Students are assigned project sheets as they progress through learning to help encourage and improve practical skills. It is important that students consistently complete these assignments throughout the program. Prior to completion of the program, and for students to be  referred to testing, students are required to show that all requirement sheets, project sheets and portfolio projects have been completed. If these are not complete at that time, the student may be suspended for up to one week per requirement sheet or project sheet or until the requirement or project sheets are completed, whichever comes first. If the student is suspended, these hours may not be made up. Over-contract fees may apply. Should the student be unable to complete the requirement or project sheets during the suspension, the student may be terminated.

Completion of Assignments
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